A downloadable game for Windows

Congratulations on graduating from the Phantom Flora Academy!
You now have your first assignment, and your employee, Greze of the House of Red Haze, has invited you to his greenhouse. 
Remember to consult your Gardening Guidebook whenever you need to!
Good luck

In a world where spirits and ghouls roam the lands, infecting them and leading nature itself to rebel against man, it is your job to appease those spirits and coax the plants back to health. Luckily for you, you are not without help. During your first assignment you will not only have access to your Guidebook to read more about world, you will be able to speak with characters and gain information through clues and hints left to you by the previous gardeners.

Go out there, explore, care for the plants, and help the spirits!

Ghoul Gardener

As a Ghoul Gardener, you have two main tasks you need to focus on: 

  1. Replace the invasive plants with roses.
  2. Find a way to appease the spirits.

Of course neither, task is quite so clear cut, and taking care of a supernatural garden involves in it a bit more than a regular garden. Revitalise your roses with fertiliser, protect them through the night with light, and bond with them over time to grant them powers ordinary roses lack. And beware! More lurks in this garden than dangerous plants.

The World

In the world of Thus Sang the Trees spirits and nature are connected in a way far stronger and in many case more sinister than in ours. When someone dies in a traumatic way or with regrets and anger tainting their soul, they often end up staying where they died, clinging and mutating with nature to preserve their sense of self, but the stronger their regrets and the longer the remain here, the more their mind is corrupted. This in turn infects the nature around them and brings forth an invasive plant from Limbo: Cleargrowth.

Luckily there are plants that have cleansing properties to them, that you, as a Ghoul Gardener, can use to help nature recover. If you also manage to find and appease the spirits that were wronged by the war, you will slowly but surely be able to heal the world around you. Just remember, it is not only the dead who have been hurt, but the living as well!

The Gardeners:

  • Art Direction & Project Lead - Karolina Kozikova
  • Narrative Design - Veera Wikström
  • Lighting design - Ossi Luoto
  • Sound Design - Ali Hosseini
  • 3D Art & Animation - Kati Salminen
  • Programming & Game Design - Birk Lerviks
  • Programming & Game Design - Nina Tepponen


ThusSangTheTrees.zip 656 MB


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